Types of apprenticeship

Initial apprenticeship

An apprenticeship is a form of vocational training which includes:

  • periods of classroom education whose objective is the acquisition of specific knowledge related to trades and professions;
  • periods of practical training, in a professional environment (organised under an apprenticeship contract), provided by companies whose objective is to have the apprentice acquire the key skills of a particular trade or profession

The initial apprenticeship addresses young people who must

  • be at least 15 years of age;
  • meet the minimum schooling requirements set by Grand-Ducal Regulation;
  • prove to the company providing their training (host company) that they attend classes regularly.

The initial apprenticeship can prepare for various diplomas:

  • the technician's diploma (diplôme de technicien - DT);
  • the vocational aptitude diploma (diplôme d'aptitude professionnelle - DAP);
  • the vocational capacity certificate (certificat de capacité professionnelle - CCP).

Cross-border apprenticeships

Cross-border apprenticeships are training programmes in which:

  • the practical component, in a professional environment, is carried out in a host company located in Luxembourg;
  • the school-based training is provided by an establishment in a neighbouring country.

Cross-border apprenticeships are possible, on condition of obtaining prior authorisation from the Minister (ADEM's Vocational Guidance Department and the relevant professional chambers act as advisors for the Minister).

Cross-border apprenticeship can only be carried out in trades / professions defined by grand-ducal regulation.

Adult apprenticeships

Adult persons who want to learn a profession through adult learning must:

  • be at least 18 years of age on 1 September of the year of registration for the apprenticeship;
  • have been out of the initial schooling system for 12 months;
  • not have been on an apprenticeship contract in the framework of initial training for at least 12 months;
  • have been affiliated with the Joint Social Security Centre (Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale - CCSS) for at least 12 months (continuous or otherwise) and for at least 16 hours per week;
  • submit an application for "adult learning" between 2 May and 15 September to ADEM's Vocational Guidance Department.

An exemption from the condition of not being on an apprenticeship contract for at least 12 months may be granted by the Commission that decides on the access or refusal to the adult apprenticeship:

  • to holders of a vocational capacity certificate (CCP) who wish to acquire a DAP in the same field;
  • to holders of a DAP who wish to acquire a DT in the same field;
  • to holders of a CCP, a DAP or a DT who wish to acquire a DAP or a DT in a complementary field.

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