
In general, the level of salary and its modalities are freely negotiated between:

• the employer, who must nevertheless respect the minimum social wage applicable according to the employee's qualification;

• and the employee, who, according to his / her experience and training, will be considered qualified or not.

The applicable minimum social wage depends on the employee’s level of professional qualification.

The employer must ensure an equal treatment within the company, in respect to:

  • Equal pay for men and women for the same work or for work of equal value;
  • Equal treatment between employees on fixed-term contracts and employees on open-ended contracts. The same applies proportionally to full-time and part-time employees.


  • An employment contract or a collective agreement cannot stipulate a lower remuneration for women when they perform the same work or work of equal value as a man.
  • An employment contract or a collective agreement cannot stipulate a lower remuneration for employees on fixed-term contracts, when their work is of equal value compared to the work an employee on a permanent contract.
  • A contract of employment or a collective agreement cannot stipulate a lower remuneration for employees on fixed-term contracts, when they perform the same work or work of equal value as an employee on a permanent contract.

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