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  1. The number of available resident jobseekers registered with ADEM amounted to 17,735 as of August 31, 2024, an increase of 1,679 people (or 10.5%) compared to August 2023. This number of jobseekers has risen for all periods of unemployment exceeding 4 months. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, calculated by STATEC, stands at 5.8%.

  2. The number of registered unemployed residents at ADEM is 17,439 as of November 30, 2023, an increase of 2,817 individuals (or 19.3%) compared to November 2022. The unemployment rate, adjusted for seasonal variations and calculated by STATEC, is 5.7%.

  3. The number resident jobseekers registered with ADEM was 18,198 as of December 31, 2023, an increase of 2,438 individuals (or 15.5%) compared to December 2022. The unemployment rate, adjusted for seasonal variations and calculated by STATEC, stands at 5.5%.

  4. False information is currently circulating on social networks about free training courses offered by ADEM. Please note that this information does NOT come from ADEM. Do not click on the link! If you have any questions about ADEM's services, please contact us on (+352) 247-88888.

  5. The number of available resident jobseekers registered with ADEM stood at 17,470 as of May 31, 2024, an increase of 2,282 people (or 15%) compared to May 2023. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, calculated by STATEC, is 5.7%.

  6. The number of available resident jobseekers registered with ADEM stood at 17,654 as of March 31, 2024, an increase of 2,322 people (or 15.1%) compared to March 2023. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, calculated by STATEC, stands at 5.6%.

  7. The number of available resident job seekers registered with ADEM stood at 18,166 as of February 29, 2024, an increase of 2,516 individuals (or 16.1%) compared to February 2023. The unemployment rate, adjusted for seasonal variations and calculated by STATEC, stands at 5.6%.

  8. The number of available resident jobseekers registered with ADEM amounted to 17,735 as of August 31, 2024, an increase of 1,679 people (or 10.5%) compared to August 2023. This number of jobseekers has risen for all periods of unemployment exceeding 4 months. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, calculated by STATEC, stands at 5.8%.

  9. The number of resident jobseekers registered with ADEM stood at 18,293 on October 31, 2024, an increase of 1,366 individuals (or 8.1%) compared to October 2023. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, calculated by STATEC, remained stable at 5.8%.

  10. ADEM warns the public about the fake website, which falsely claims to represent the Employment Development Agency and other government entities. These claims are entirely false!

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