The JobBoard is a free online service offered by ADEM to jobseekers. This interactive platform gives access to job vacancies declared to ADEM by Luxembourg employers.
When declaring vacancies, companies can choose between a restricted distribution. For the first seven days, public vacancies will continue to be visible only to jobseekers in the JobBoard's own environment (with login). After this period, and with a view to broadening the visibility of the vacancies that Luxembourg companies have decided to make public, ADEM makes these vacancies accessible to everyone.
Jobseekers registered with ADEM
Jobseekers registered with ADEM have access to all job offers that have been declared to ADEM by Luxembourg employers. They can also upload their CV on the JobBoard in order to increase their chances for labour market integration.
Jobseekers not registered with ADEM
Jobseekers not registered with ADEM can consult the job offers that companies have decided to make public on the EURES portal. In general, the employer's details are visible and candidates can apply directly without contacting ADEM's services.