Continuous professional training fosters professional insertion or reinsertion. Qualifying or with a diploma, professional training allows to evolve, to perfect one’s knowledge, to change career path or progress further.
Numerous providers and training institutes offer to lead the way through the universe of trainings, validating of acquired experience, financing possibilities, etc.
ADEM has concluded partnerships with all major training providers, such as is the Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Trades, Chamber of Employees, and INAP (National institute of public administration). Within the scope of those partnerships, jobseekers may under specific conditions benefit from free registration to their training programmes.
Principaux organismes de formation
The Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Center
The Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Center is the training centre of the Chamber of Employees. Besides offering publications informing employees about their rights, the Chamber of Employees offers, through their Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Center, continuous training for adults in various formats, such as evening classes, seminaries, university trainings, specialized trainings or professional certifications.
Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Center
13 rue de Bragance
L-1255 Luxembourg
Tel. : +352 27 494 600
Fax : +352 27 494 650
Mail :
House of Training
A result of the merger of the respective training centres of the Chamber of Commerce and ABBL (Luxembourg Banks and Bankers Association)– the House of Training has become the partner of choice for continuous professional training for the Luxembourg economy.
The training offers cover various business sectors: Finance, commerce, industry, ICT, real estate, transport, hospitality and logistics.
House of Training
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi BP 490
L-2014 Luxembourg
Tel. : (+352) 46 50 16 – 1
Web :
The Luxembourg Chamber of Trades
The Luxembourg Chamber of Trades is a professional chamber grouping all businesses from the trades and crafts sector. Amongst their multiple missions, they notably act on promoting professional training and offer numerous tailor-made trainings to help apprentices and adults to achieve their personal and professional goals
Chambre des Métiers
du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
2, Circuit de la Foire Internationale
BP 1604 · L-1016 Luxembourg
Tel.: 42 67 67 - 1 · Fax: 42 67 87
Lifelong learning portal
The lifelong learning portal is a reference website for training in Luxembourg giving access to over 6000 training programmes as well as all useful information on training aids, regulations, access to diplomas, …

The Digital Learning Hub is a training organisation offering professional training courses focused on digital technology.
Go directly to their website and register for the desired course. In order for the training to be free of charge, all you have to do is mention that you are registered with ADEM by indicating your ADEM file number.

Active for 40 years, the CNFPC is a public body which reports to the Service de la Formation professionnelle (SFP) of the Ministère de l'Education nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse (MENJE). It offers a wide range of tailor-made training courses to meet the needs and expectations of employees, jobseekers, the general public and young adults. Faithful to its public service missions and values, it places the learner at the centre of its priorities. The CNFPC is present in Luxembourg in various regions and on several sites.