The “Léierplazendag” is an event organised twice a year in collaboration between RTL Radio, ADEM, the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Crafts and the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.
During the “Léierplazendag”, young people and adults looking for an apprenticeship have the opportunity to meet training companies and to apply for an apprenticeship on site. In addition, apprenticeship advisors from ADEM, the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Crafts and the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth will provide information about the prerequisites and application procedures.
The next Léierplazedag will take place on 22 april 2024 atLuxEX PO during the "Schoulfoire".
Are you looking for an apprenticeship?
Come to LuxEXPO on 22 april 2024.
No registration needed!
Don't forget your CV!
Is your company is looking for an apprentice?
Then quickly register for the Léierplazendag with the ADEM Career Advisory Service (ADEM-OP):
Tel. (+352) 247-75411 or e-mail: lpd@adem.etat.lu