Projet « COSP-HR »

The main objective of the COSP-HR project is to assess the abilities and skills of jobseekers, having the status of a disabled employee and/or a person on external professional redeployment and to facilitate their professional (re)integration.


Film en Français et Luxembourgeois



  • You have the status of disabled employee and/or you are an external redeployment.
  • You may not be not fully aware of your skills and abilities and you therefore have difficulties positioning themselves on the job market.


Activities within the COSP-HR

The professional and medical teams of the Rehazenter and the Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital Centre (Centre Hospitalier Neuro-Psychiatrique), will evaluate together with the staff of the Centre d'Orientation Socio-Professionnelle (COSP), during a two-month training period, their work abilities, taking into account their functional difficulties and health problems.

  • Social training workshops (presentation and communication skills, job search, etc.)
  • Technical training workshops (workplace safety, health, etc.)
  • Language and office applications
  • Socio-educational follow-up (current assessment, evaluation, interviews, skills assessment, orientation)
  • Application workshops (CV, cover letter, etc.)

As the workshops progress, an evaluation sheet of their abilities and skills is drawn up. Its objective is to provide recommendations and to encourage (re-)orientation and (re-)integration into the labour market.


This project is realised by the following partners:


This project is realised by the following partners and co-financed by the European Social Fund, the Ministry of Labour and Employment, and Social economy and solidarity and the Ministry of Family, Integration and the Greater Region.

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