The curriculum vitae (CV) and cover letter are key elements for the success of your application. They are elements upon which the recruiter will decide whether or not he or she wants to meet you for an interview!
So do not take editing lightly, even if this task is not always easy. Fortunately, brochures, tools, or specialized sites exist to help you in this effort:
The guide "CV ", proposed by ADEM, provides beneficial instructions and tips for preparing your CV.
Eportfolio, available on the webportal “Anelo”, offers you the possibility to manage your contact information, diplomas / certificates, and offers you the possibility to create a model containing your CV and a cover letter following your professional background.
Tools on commercial sites similar to “CVthèque”, offered on, provide the possibility to create and save your resume online, to use it as a reply to an offer or make it available (as a record saved in a CV database) to be read by employers.