All jobseekers are different regarding their abilities, skills and support needs. That's why ADEM offers you a personalised assistance tailored to your needs.
After an initial interview with your professional counsellor, you will be referred to the assistance scheme that corresponds best to your profile.
Regular assistance aims at supporting your own efforts in a way that you can find a job as quickly as possible. Intensive assistance aims to remove the obstacles preventing job seekers from entering the labour market. The type of assistance may change according to the evolution of your career path.
In order to better organise the personalised assistance, the following documents are signed between ADEM and the jobseeker:
- a collaboration agreement for persons under the regular assistance scheme. The collaboration agreement is signed between the jobseeker and ADEM. It enables to define concrete steps to facilitate the professional integration of the jobseeker;
- an action plan is added to the collaboration agreement in case of intensive assistance. This action plan, which is regularly updated, aims to remove the obstacles preventing job seekers from entering the labour market.
In the framework of the personalised assistance provided by ADEM, you will be required to report at least once a month to your counsellor. If you don't meet this requirement, you will unfortunately face sanctions (withdrawal of your unemployment benefits ranging from 7 days to permanent withdrawal or suspension of your file for 2 months if you are not compensated).