By registering as a jobseeker, you are given access to all of ADEM’s services, including:
- personal follow-up with an counselor to help you find a job
- access to JobBoard, where you can see and apply for vacancies
- job and training schemes that fit your profile
- financial support if you are eligible for it
- access to computers and help with writing your CV at Club Emploi

Good to know
Every employee (resident or non-resident) subject to dismissal with notice (or collective redundancy) may ask for a job search leave. The dismissed employee must be registered as a jobseeker with ADEM (or with the competent employment service in his/her country of residence in case of a cross-border worker).
The duration of job search leave which must be taken during the notice period, may not exceed 6 working days.
Registering with ADEM is also a precondition for receiving various benefits from ADEM or other administrations
REVIS New procedure to identify the support needs of beneficiaries
REVIS applicants under 65 years of age and capable of working will benefit from a "profiling" by ADEM. This interview, based on a questionnaire, allows ADEM to assess the applicant's ability to integrate into the ordinary labour market and to direct him/her towards either intensive follow-up at ONIS or regular follow-up at ADEM.
There are therefore two possible support schemes:
- The applicant is considered fit to enter the labour market and will be registered immediately as a jobseeker with ADEM. In order to continue to benefit from the REVIS, the applicant must remain registered with the ADEM and actively seek employment.
- The applicant has specific needs in terms of social and professional activation and will be referred, on the basis of a reasoned opinion from ADEM, to ONIS for intensive follow-up after obtaining the REVIS.
The support scheme is not fixed and can be reviewed according to the person's evolution.

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