How to submit a declaration of vacant position

A declaration of vacant position must be submitted to ADEM by any employer (natural or legal person) who intends to hire new staff.

How to proceed

Employers must submit a declaration of vacant position (see below) to the National Employment Agency (ADEM) The declaration must be submitted at least 3 working days prior to any advertisement in the press or any other communication media.

On receipt of the declaration, ADEM returns an acknowledgement of receipt by email to the employer together with the name of the consultant in charge of all questions regarding the recruitment.

The job offer is open for 2 months. After that, the job offer is automatically closed. Employers who have not found the ideal candidate by then may contact ADEM's employer service to get an extension of the job offer.

Depending on the profile of the new staff member sought, different forms are used for declaring a vacant position to ADEM:

Hiring a salaried worker

  • Submit your vacant position by using a PDF form

Download the form "Declaration of a vacant position"

"This interactive form requires at least version 8.1.3 of Adobe Acrobat® Reader®. The latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader for all systems (Windows®, Mac, etc.) is available for free download from Adobe Systems Incorporated. If you have trouble viewing the PDF document, the settings on your Internet browser may need to be changed. For this, please follow the instructions defined here.

Hiring a disabled worker or a worker under a redeployment scheme

Any private-sector employer with at least 25 salaried workers is required to hire at least one disabled worker on a full-time basis. This quota is raised to 2% of the total number of workers for businesses with at least 50 salaried workers and to 4% of the total number of workers for businesses with at least 300 salaried workers.

Employers who hire a number of disabled workers which is above the compulsory employment quota are exempt from paying the employer's contribution of the social security charges for these workers.

Under certain conditions, employers who hire a disabled worker may be entitled to a salary participation or to a subsidy for adaptation of the workplace.

Download the form « Déclaration de poste vacant pour le secteur publique »

Download the form « Declaration of a vacant position for the private sector »

Creating a re-integration job for a long-term unemployed

Re-integration jobs for long-term unemployed can be created by:

  • the State
  • municipalities and communal unions
  • public institutions
  • social impact companies whose share capital is made up of 100% impact shares
  • non-profit associations (asbl)
  • foundations


  1. Applicants eligible for integration jobs must be
    • at least 30 years old
    • registered with ADEM and unemployed for at least 12 months
  2. A permanent work contract (CDI) must be concluded for a new position and not for an existing position that has become vacant and for which the possibility of replacement by normal recruitment exists.

  3. The employer must consult the staff delegation on the creation of a new integration job for long-term unemployed.

Download the form « Création d'un emploi d'insertion pour chômeur de longue durée »

Hiring a young person

Follow the procedure "Hiring a salaried worker" (see above).

Hiring a third-country salaried worker (neither EU nor assimilated to the EU)

  1. Declare your vacant position to ADEM.
  2. Request a certificate for the recruitment of a third-country national directly when declaring your vacant position.

For more information on requesting a certificate for the recruitment of a third-country national, click here.

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