The EU has decided that refugees from Ukraine do not have to go through an asylum procedure and will directly receive temporary protection in all member states.
For refugees coming to Luxembourg, this means that they do not need a special work permit and can freely access the Luxembourg labour market as long as their temporary protection certificate is valid. They can be hired directly under statutory employment contracts (permanent/temporary/temporary work), subject to the legal provisions of the Labour Code.
Once the refugees have formally obtained their temporary protection status, they can also register as jobseekers with the Public Employment Agency (ADEM). ADEM will set up a specific unit dedicated to beneficiaries of temporary protection status in its agency in Luxembourg City.
Employers who wish to hire refugees from Ukraine must register their vacancies with ADEM following the usual procedure. When filling in the declaration of a vacant position, employers should make sure that they choose the public dissemination of their job notification in order to guarantee that jobseekers from the Ukraine can access it directly on the public website of ADEM’s Jobboard.
Beneficiaries of temporary protection status can contact ADEM by e-mail (info@adem.etat.lu) or by phone (+352 247 88888). Employers wishing to hire refugees from Ukraine should contact ADEM’s employers' service (247-88000, info@adem.etat.lu).