Since 2015, ADEM and the Luxembourg Employers’ Association (Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises - UEL) have been successfully collaborating as part of the “Partnership for Employment.”
The aim of this partnership is to promote employment, reduce unemployment and ensure that employers can find candidates who meet their current and future employment needs.
In this context, ADEM and UEL aim to strengthen their cooperation with companies that have significant recruitment needs and invite them to join the "Businesses as Partners for Employment" programme.
This programme recognises employers who actively collaborate with ADEM, thereby demonstrating their commitment to social engagement. The label is awarded following the signing of a bilateral agreement in which the company and ADEM make specific mutual commitments to achieve defined objectives.
Participating companies undertake to
- Reporting their vacancies to ADEM through an automated import of their job offers, thus making all job opportunities accessible to job seekers, increasing the transparency of the labour market and enabling ADEM to integrate this data into the updating of occupations facing shortages;
- Promote the recruitment of jobseekers registered with ADEM by increasing their representation in the recruitment process.
In return, ADEM undertakes to
- Provide technical solutions for the automated import of vacancy reports;
- Provide relevant sector-specific data to assist companies in their strategic workforce planning;
- Using its expertise to identify and implement appropriate training measures to develop the skills of jobseekers and employees, particularly in the context of the Luxembourg Skills Plan
For more information or to join the program, please contact your ADEM employer counsellor or send an email to