Financial support for professional training

Who is concerned

Any jobseeker registered with ADEM, whether or not on benefit*, who wants to follow a vocational training course can, under certain conditions, benefit from vocational training support. This financial aid is a partial reimbursement of training costs.

*In certain cases, the jobseeker must be without benefit


Obtaining an access code

Jobseekers who wish to apply for vocational training support must address to their personal ADEM counsellor during one of their regular appointments, at least 8 weeks before the start of the training.

If the ADEM counsellor gives a favourable opinion, he/she will receive an access code that will allow him/her to access the online application form on

The access code is strictly personal and must not be passed on to other people.


The access code is valid for 2 months. The online application must therefore be made before the code expires.


The jobseeker has to pre-finance the total cost of the desired training and can, under certain conditions, be reimbursed for part of the costs.

How to proceed

Submitting the application via

The jobseeker submits the application for vocational training support via the form provided for this purpose on (see "Online services / Forms").

The online application is made without authentication, i.e. it does not require a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID). However, the jobseeker must have an access code that will have been provided to him/her in advance by ADEM.

During the online application, the jobseeker indicates in particular:

  • the access code received by their ADEM counsellor;
  • their national identification number (13-digit number)
  • their surname and first name
  • their e-mail address;
  • the name and address of the training institute;
  • detailed information on the training course they wish to follow.

Supporting documents 

At the time of the online application the jobseeker must ensure that he/she has all the required documents in electronic form (PDF file or image), so that they can be added directly.

The jobseeker must provide the following documents:

  • a letter in which they explain their motivation for the training
  • a detailed estimate of the training, including the following information
    • the total cost;
    • the duration;
    • the start and end dates of the training;
    • the detailed training programme.

Depending on the request, the jobseeker may have to attach additional documents such as

  • a document from the driving school, if the training is aimed at obtaining a driving licence.

Once the mandatory documents have been added, the jobseeker can transmit the application via He/she then receives an automatic transmission confirmation by e-mail.

Decision on the application

After submission of the online application via, the jobseeker is informed by mail of ADEM’s decision to accept or reject his application.

If the application is accepted, the jobseeker must register for the desired training course himself.

Partial reimbursement of training costs

At the end of the vocational training course and in the event of approval of the application for vocational training support, the jobseeker may apply to ADEM for partial reimbursement of the training costs, which corresponds to:

  • 75% of the costs of the vocational training, capped at the monthly social minimum wage for unskilled workers;
  • the remaining 25% can be reimbursed if the jobseeker proves that he/she has successfully integrated into the labour market by presenting, no later than three months after the end of the vocational training, a regular employment contract of indefinite or definite duration of at least eighteen months.

Duration of reimbursement

Unless the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy decides to extend it, the duration of the reimbursement may not exceed twelve months.






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