You are between 16 and 29 years of age?
You are looking for a job or an apprenticeship?
You want to go back to school?
You do not really know what you would like to do later and you need some help to discover your talents?
The Youth Guarantee is what you need.
What is the Youth Guarantee?
The Youth Guarantee is an action taken by the Council of the European Union aiming to fight unemployment among young people.
Discover your skills and interests
Tu n’as pas encore d’idée précise concernant ta vie professionnelle ? Tu ne connais pas trop tes centres d’intérêts et tes atouts ? Un service volontaire peut t’aider à découvrir tes talents qui te seront utiles pour définir unService
Getting ready for the job market
ADEM (Agence pour le développement de l’emploi) can help you to choose a profession that matches your interests and abilities, to define your career pathway, to start an apprenticeship or to find a job.
Back to school or apprenticeship
Did you leave school without a diploma? The Local Youth Action (ALJ) offers individual support and guidance.
Practical advice / FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions