You are not sure what profession to choose or how to build your professional career? There are many organisations and tools to assist you in this step and help you to identify your interests, your skills, your abilities while providing you with a lot of information about various professions.
Vocational Guidance Centre (Maison de l'Orientation)
The Maison de l'Orientation is a structure that brings together all the actors dealing with to orientation in Luxembourg: the ADEM Orientation Service, the School Psychology and Guidance Center (Centre de Psychologie et d'Orientation Scolaire - SPOS), and the Local Youth Action (l'Action locale pour Jeunes)
Which job is the right one for me?
Different websites will help you find the profession that best suits you.
When choosing your professional career path, you should know your interests and abilities as well as your personal strengths and weaknesses. Learn more about existing self assessment tools.
The “BeruffsInformatiounsZentrum” (BiZ - vocational information centre) is part of ADEM's professional guidance service: It offers a wide range of media free of charge to assist you in your career choice.