Access to employment: Understanding the difference between DPI and BPI
It is important to distinguish between DPI and BPI when it comes to access to employment:
- DPI – Applicant for International Protection (Demandeur de Protection Internationale): A third-country national who has submitted an application for international protection and is awaiting a decision from the General Department of Immigration.
- BPI – Beneficiary of International Protection (Bénéficiaire de Protection Internationale): A third-country national who has applied for international protection and has received a final positive decision from the General Department of Immigration. This person benefits from either refugee status or subsidiary protection.
How can I determine whether a candidate is a BPI or a DPI?
If someone claiming to be a refugee applies for a job with me, how can I verify whether they are a BPI or a DPI?
- Upon obtaining their status, every BPI receives a residence permit stating "Protection internationale". To view a sample of this residence permit, click here.
- A DPI only holds a receipt of application for international protection (known as the "papier rose"). To view a sample of this document, click here.
Legal employment status
- DPI: In principle, DPIs do not have access to the labor market. However, if six months have passed since their application for international protection and the Directorate-General for Immigration has not yet made a decision, the DPI may engage in salaried employment, provided they obtain a temporary work authorisation (Autorisation d’occupation temporaire – AOT).
More information.
- BPI: BPIs have full access to the Luxembourg labor market under the same conditions as any Luxembourg resident (no restrictions on profession or sector, same rights and obligations). Apart from the mandatory job vacancy declaration with ADEM (legal requirement), no additional administrative steps are necessary to hire a BPI.
More information.
Hiring a beneficiary of international protection (BPI)
A beneficiary of international protection (BPI), who has received a positive decision from the General Department of Immigration regarding their international protection application, has immediate access to the labour market. They are treated as equal to other Luxembourg residents.
Hiring an applicant for International Protection (DPI)
An applicant for international protection (DPI), who has been waiting for a decision from the General Department of Immigration for at least six months, may submit a request for a temporary work authorisation (AOT).