Vous venez de créer et de lancer il y a peu votre propre société. Quel était votre parcours précédemment ?
I have been working as a Procurement Manager for Vodafone since 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic and last 10 years, since 2010, in Luxembourg.
Qu’est-ce qui vous a poussé à vouloir vous lancer dans l’entrepreneuriat?
This idea has been sitting somewhere back in my head ever since. The year 2020 has been full of changes not only in professional but also in private life so I have decided to make a change. I’m that type of person that rather goes for “hard hit” in one go rather than few small ones in long term. I also had the feeling that if I will not do it now, I will never do it so I just followed my dream despite the fact that I knew this will not be easy.
Depuis quand étiez-vous inscrit à l'ADEM et comment avez-vous été informé des aides par rapport à la création d’entreprise ?
I have been registered with ADEM since mid June 2020 when I lost my job. I had my first face to face interview with Madame Ruppert where I mentioned my desire and decision to become independent. She pointed me to Mr. Gaspard direction and that’s how it all started.
Quand vous-êtes-vous lancé?
I have started the business activity at the end of September 2020.
Décrivez-nous votre nouvelle activité ?
I run webshop with wooden indoor climbing frames for children. Those frames are not just a great toy but also a way how children can stay active, play at home (when the weather outside is not great). Those climbing frames also help to develop correct movement of children body and develop their imagination and creativity as they can built many different set ups from one building set.
Quel objectif vous êtes-vous fixé?
The goal is not only to be independent and successful but also to help children to be more active and keep fit. The time they spend in front of computers, tablets and phones is increasing and is alarming. I understand that we cannot stop this technological (r)evolution but because of that is very important to teach our children that sport or any other activity is very important and a great asset for their future.
Another side of this story is that we need to be more responsible to our nature and environment and that’s why you will not find any plastic parts in our sets. Everything is made from wood and last for many generations. Also the flexibility of those sets allows to extend any set bought in the past with additional parts or accessories such as swings, slide, climbing wall,… rather than throw it away and buy a new toy. Our frames grow with children.
Last but not least, for every tree used for the producUon, three new trees are planted.
Quel conseil donneriez-vous à des personnes en reconversion professionnelle ou à celles n’ayant pas encore osé franchir le pas de l’entrepreneuriat ?
Some people are born as entrepreneurs, I was not. It is really comfortable to be just employed but I do not regret the decision made. It is not easy for sure. There is and will be number of challenges you need to overcome at the beginning or even when your business is up and running. Every single challenge you manage makes you stronger and beler prepared for the next to come. The fact that you are the one responsible for any decision made, every step you take and the freedom you have compensates all that.
If you have a dream, go for it. The most difficult is to make that decision. Good luck.
Contact : hello@antonieemma.eu
Website : www.antonieemma.eu
Facebook : Antonie Emma LU
Instagram: antonieemmalu