Looking upon a long lasting political and socio-economic stability, Luxembourg is renowned for its high degree of adaptability to economic change with a highly flexible and responsive government and a business-orientated regulatory framework that incites investments and employment.
Overview of the labour market
The Luxembourg labour market is characterised by an international and multicultural working environment, an exceptional share of foreign and multilingual labour force, a predominance of the tertiary sector and an unemployment rate below the European average.
Working in Luxembourg
The Luxembourg labour market is very diverse and presents attractive conditions. Before starting a professional activity, it is however important to learn about the specific labour market conditions
Key actors
In Luxembourg, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy is responsible for the execution of labour policy and the functioning of the labour market. Two public administrations are placed under the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy: The Public Employment Service (Employment Agency - ADEM) and the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (Inspection du Travail et des Mines - ITM).
This section will give you a detailed overview of current developments in the labour market and offers clear and reliable statistics.
Studies and videos