The Luxembourg labour market is very diverse and presents attractive conditions. Before starting a professional activity, it is however important to learn about the specific labour market conditions.
Working as a self-employed
This section informs you about the authorization of establishment, the creation of a company and the status of the self-employed person.
Foreign workers
Access to the labour market in Luxembourg is open to citizens of the Europen Union and the European Economic Area (EEA). Third-country nationals need a stay permit (autorisation de séjour) and then a residence permit.
Prerequisites for professional activities
Luxembourg's labour market is marked by the international and multilingual nature of its workforce. Before starting to work in Luxembourg, you should get informed about the situation on the labour market.
Working in the public sector
With 24 ministries and more than 120 administrations and services, the civil service offers you a wide range of career opportunities with a variety of tasks.
Working as an employee
In this section you will find information on working contracts, working hours, leave or termination of employment.