![eures_logo_CDR [Converted]](http://adem.public.lu/dam-assets/pictures/photos/eures/eures_logo_200px.jpg/_jcr_content/renditions/original)
EURES helps jobseekers to find attractive jobs and employers to recruit new staff from all over Europe
Launched in 1994, EURES is a European cooperation network of employment services designed to facilitate, support and encourage fair labour mobility in the 27 EU Member States, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. EURES services are offered free of charge and address jobseekers and employers alike.
The European Job Mobility Portal - https://ec.europa.eu/eures/public/index_en - useful information on living and working conditions and employment opportunities in Europe.. In addition, more than 3.5 million job offers are published on the EURES portal. Employers can search for candidates among the 900,000 CVs that are available on the EURES portal. .
EURES is also a network of almost 1,000 advisors https://ec.europa.eu/eures/eures-core/um/page/public?lang=en&app=1.16.0-build-1#/adviser/search/list who are in daily contact with jobseekers and employers across Europe and who can give valuable support to crossborder recruitments.
EURES Luxembourg
The National Employment Agency (ADEM) is in charge of coordinating and providing EURES services in Luxembourg. Don’t hesitate to contact our EURES advisors

EURES in cross-border regions
ADEM is also member of the transregional EURES consortium “Grande Région” covering Luxembourg and the border regions of Belgium, France and Germany. EURES Grande Région focuses more particularly on the practical issues jobseekers, employees and employers are confronted with in their daily cross-border activities. . Pools of experts are available to give advice on the different national social security systems, taxation rules and legal systems that are in place in the four countries : https://www.eures-granderegion.eu/fr
New EURES Luxembourg career platform – work-in-luxembourg.lu
The Luxembourg labour market is marked by an impressive share of highly qualified workers. In specific sectors, Luxembourg employers are therefore continuously looking for new talents that are desperately needed but difficult to find on the national labour market.
Interested in an attractive position in Luxembourg? Check the EURES Luxembourg career platform work-in-luxembourg.lu for more information and register your candidate profile.

EURES for jobseekers
The European Union’s principle of free movement of workers is considered one of the most important rights of EU citizens. It means that you can move to any EU Member State, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland to look for and take up a job. Yet, it may sometimes seem like a daunting and difficult task to make use of this right. The purpose of EURES is precisely to help and sup
EURES for employers
Hiring workers from other countries in Europe can provide businesses with the opportunity to find motivated and skilled workers, especially in the case of national work force shortages in specific economic sectors. It can also contribute to increasing corporate innovation and competitiveness.
Financial Support
Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) offer financial support for jobseekers and employers with the aim to facilitate intra-European labour mobility.