atWork4NEETs is a project aimed at activating a process of innovation in the partner regions' policies, by improving the effectiveness of programming tools, financed through Structural Funds, aimed at supporting the integration of disadvantaged groups in the labour market, in particular NEETs, young people who do not have a job, nor an active study or training pathway (NEETs).
The programming instruments subject to reflection and proposals for improvement are mainly regional or national programmes, financed by the ESF, in which the topic of active employment policies for NEETs is addressed. The objective will be achieved by promoting the exchange of territorial experiences on how to design interventions for NEETs in the partner regions, taking into consideration the different phases of the implementation of employment policies for NEETs, in particular: data collection and analysis, profiling, training and customised support, job placement, reaching the inactive.
Hence, policy innovation will be stimulated through a multidimensional and dynamic collective learning process involving partner organisations, institutional stakeholders and all the territorial stakeholders essential for a participative and shared approach. In this way, the project also aims at strengthening the cooperation between public authorities, businesses and local authorities, trade unions, youth NGOs and institutions responsible for the employment of young people.
The partnership brings together Public Employment Services, Ministries of Labour, regional administrations and associations of municipalities, with a balanced mix of more and less developed regions.
Jobsplus (MT) - Coordinator
Anci Toscana - Association of Tuscan Municipalities (IT)
Employment Services Croatia (HR)
Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity Romania(RO)
Employment Services of Slovenia (SI)
Luxembourg Employment Agency (LU)
Employment Services of the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania (LT)
Tuscany Region (IT) - Associated partner
The atWork4NEET project is co-funded by the INTERREG EUROPE interregional cooperation programme through the European Regional Development Fund. The main objective of the INTERREG EUROPE 2021-2027 programme is to improve local and regional development policies, including Structural Fund programmes, through the exchange of experience and good practice.
Duration: 01 March 2023 - 28 February 2027 - Budget: €1,427,499.00
For more information about this project, please visit https://www.interregeurope.eu/atwork4neets