In Luxembourg, the Ministry of Labour is responsible for the execution of labour policy and the functioning of the labour market.
Two public administrations are placed under the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour: The National employment agency (ADEM) and the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (Inspection du Travail et des Mines - ITM). The “Study network on labour market and employment issus (RETEL) as well as the national labour college (Ecole supérieure du Travail – EST) are also important players working under the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour.
National labour college (EST)
The National labour college (EST) is a post-graduate training institute for employees and the self-employed.
Observatory on labour market and employment (RETEL)
The RETEL is an employment observatory organising the production and analysis of statistical data and studies on the Luxembourg labour market.
The Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (ITM)
The Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (ITM) is responsible for the working conditions and the protection of employees at work.
Ministry of Labour
The Ministry of Labour
ADEM – Employment agency
The ADEM is the public employment service in Luxembourg. ADEM‘s primary role is to match offers and demands on the national labour market by helping jobseekers get employed as quickly as possible and by assisting employers in their recruitments.