The European Union’s principle of free movement of workers is considered one of the most important rights of EU citizens. It means that you can move to any EU Member State, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland to look for and take up a job. Yet, it may sometimes seem like a daunting and difficult task to make use of this right. The purpose of EURES is precisely to help and support jobseekers and employers with that.
By creating a EURES jobseeker account, candidates can create their CV online to make it available for search by employers across Europe, receive the latest job vacancies that match their profile, and much more.
What can EURES do for you?
Advice for European citizens who want to work in another EU country;
- Access to information on living and working conditions in the EU member states, such as taxation, pensions, health insurance and social security
- Guidance for workers with a mobility project on job opportunities and the steps to be taken;
- Matching of job vacancies and CVs on the EURES portal
- Intermediation between cross-border job offers and demand;
- Financial support for cross-border mobility projects
- Support to specific groups in the context of the EURES Targeted Mobility Schemes
- Specific support services for frontier workers and employers in cross-border regions
- Information on and access to post-recruitment assistance, such as language training and support with integration in the destination country
Be visible – Take the most out of EURES recruitment events
The EURES network and partners frequently organize recruitment events in Luxembourg and other EU countries - online and in presence - for different sectors and different countries assisting candidates during the recruitment process.
Events – work-in-luxembourg (
Non-EU citizens
Third-country nationals wishing to work and live in Luxembourg can find all relevant information about the different immigration procedures via the following link:
New EURES Luxembourg career platform –
The Luxembourg labour market is marked by an impressive share of highly qualified workers. In specific sectors, Luxembourg employers are therefore continuously looking for new talents that are desperately needed but difficult to find on the national labour market.
Interested in an attractive position in Luxembourg?
Check the EURES Luxembourg career platform for more information and register your candidate profile.

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