Regardless of whether you are resident, cross-border commuter, European or third country national, any person seeking an employment in Luxembourg must be informed about the conditions and their rights and duties on the labour market.
Languages at work.
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is one of the rare countries in the world where several languages are spoken and written throughout its territory and in different spheres of life – private, professional, social, cultural and political. The working language often depends on the activity sector and the origin of the company.
Labour law
Employer-employee relations (contracts, leave, authorisations, taxes, etc.) in Luxembourg are governed by a set of legal provisions affecting any person working in Luxembourg, regardless whether they are residents or cross-border commuters.
Recognition of diplomas
In order to access certain professions it is necessary to apply for recognition of diploma and/or professional qualifications obtained abroad.
As a general rule, the salary is freely determined by the employer and the employee when the employment contract is concluded. Nevertheless, employers must respect the applicable social minimum wage according to the employee's qualifications.