Unemployment rate falls to 5.5%.

The number of available resident jobseekers registered with ADEM stood at 16,123 on 31 August 2021. Compared to July 2021, this is an decrease of 684 people. Compared to August 2020, this is a decrease of 2,402 people or 13%. In August 2020 the labour market was still impacted by the aftermath of the containment, with an annual increase of 20.5% of jobseekers. The current fall can therefore be seen as a backlash. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate calculated by STATEC now stands at 5.5% and is increasingly close to its pre-crisis level.

While unemployment is generally declining, long-term unemployment, i.e. the number of jobseekers registered for at least 12 months, is increasing. Indeed, more than half (52%) of available resident jobseekers are affected by long-term unemployment, a level never reached before.

During August 2021, 2,082 residents registered with ADEM, a decrease of 248 persons or 10.6% compared to August 2020. The number of resident jobseekers receiving full unemployment benefit fell by 1,614 or 16.7% year-on-year to 8,066. The number of people participating in an employment measure stands at 4,338 and is well above the level observed in August 2020 (+455 people, or 11.7%). In August 2020, following the containment and the new sanitary rules, the activity of some employment measures recovered only slowly.

During August 2021, employers reported 3,745 vacancies to ADEM, an increase of 68.7% compared to August 2020. As of August 31, 2021, ADEM had 9,914 job openings on file, a new record. Over one year, the number of available positions has increased by 48%.

Au cours du mois d’août 2021, les employeurs ont déclaré 3 745 postes vacants à l’ADEM, ce qui correspond à une hausse de 68.7% par rapport à août 2020. Au 31 août 2021, l’ADEM a recensé 9 914 postes disponibles dans ses fichiers, un nouveau record. Sur un an le nombre de postes disponibles a progressé de 48%.

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