Extension of the deadline for the signing of apprenticeship contracts

Apprentices and host companies can exceptionally sign an apprenticeship contract up to and including 30 November for the year 2022 instead of the usual date of 1 November.

Apprenticeships are a form of professional training that involves:

  • periods of school-based training to acquire specific knowledge related to trades/professions;
  • periods of practical on-the-job training under the supervision of an employer (organised by a training institution under an apprenticeship contract) to acquire the key skills for a particular trade/profession.

There are 2 types of apprenticeships:

  • the initial apprenticeship, for minors aged 15 years and over;
  • apprenticeships for adults, to enable adult learners to acquire, complete or complement professional training through the work-study apprenticeship system.

The apprenticeship contract gives learners the foundations they need to earn the technician's diploma (DT), vocational aptitude diploma (DAP) or vocational capacity certificate (CCP).

For more information on the different types of apprenticeships and the procedures for concluding apprenticeship contracts, you can consult our explanatory information pages for apprentices or businesses.

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