In a labour market that is undergoing increasingly complex changes as a result of technological, environmental and societal transitions, the skills gap is a major concern for government, business and society.
In order to better understand, anticipate and manage this skills gap, in-depth analyses of trends in occupations and skills on the Luxembourg market are necessary. In this context, the Ministry of Labour (MT) and the national employment agency (ADEM) have initiated sectoral studies, which are part of ADEM's Future Skills Initiative and the partnership between ADEM and the Luxembourg business federation (Union des entreprises luxembourgeoises).
The sector studies cover ten sectors: 1) the financial sector, 2) industry, 3) construction, 4) horesca, 5) trade, 6) transport and logistics, 7) crafts, 8) Social Work, 9) Health & Care and 10) IT. For each sector, ADEM collaborated with the respective employers' federations in order to validate the results of the quantitative analyses and to supplement them with qualitative input.
Each sectoral study includes 1) an introductory chapter with the definition of the sector's perimeter and an overview of the key figures, 2) a summary of the qualitative trends in the sector (technological, societal and other), 3) an analysis of the trends in occupations (key occupations, growing and declining occupations, occupations in shortage) with a list of occupations to be prioritised and audiences to be targeted for reskilling/upskilling, 4) an analysis of the skills demanded in the sector's job offers, and 5) a glossary.
These analyses are based solely on the data available to ADEM, i.e. the job offers declared to ADEM by companies in Luxembourg. In order to further improve the reliability and representativeness of these analyses, it is essential that each vacancy is declared to ADEM. Beyond the search for candidates, this is the only way to create a clear picture of the evolution of the labour market.
The sectoral studies address both employers, who will find a benchmark of the situation and trends in their sector, and employees/jobseekers, to enable them to better adapt to these trends.
For the moment, the studies are only available in French. An Englisch version will be published soon.
Social Work (French Version)


Trade (English Version)

Trade (French Version)

Construction (English Version)

Construction (French Version)

Horesca (English Version)

Horesca (French Version)

Industry (English Version)

Industry (French Version)

IT (French Version)

Finance (English Version)

Finance (French Version)

Health and care (Fench Version)

Transport et logistics (English Version)

Transport et logistics (French Version)