EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) is an action, which promotes professional mobility, tackling intra-EU mobility challenges and sustaining jobseekers who need a package of support services to succeed in their endeavour.
EURES TMS provides support to EU nationals that need tailored assistance to find a job, traineeship or apprenticeship opportunity in another EU country, Norway or Iceland and to jobseekers in order to tackle the challenges to working abroad by the means of targeted allowances. Language courses, recognition of qualifications, travel and subsistence expenses can be financed.
Who can apply?
- Nationals of an EU Member State, Norway or Iceland who wish to find a job, traineeship or apprenticeship in an EU Member State, Iceland or Norway.
- Aged at least 18.
- Regardless their level of qualification
How does it work?
Jobseekers interested to take part in TMS must contact a EURES adviser or a Public Employment officer to get mobility support services such as:
- information on labour market and living conditions in EU countries
- job search
- job matching and contact with potential employers
- preparing for job interview, taking up a job abroad etc.
It is obligatory to receive mobility services from EURES in order to apply for financial support.
If you are residing in Luxembourg, please note that your application must be managed and submitted by EURES ADEM, please contact us via eures@adem.etat.lu .

Where could you find a new job, traineeship or apprenticeship?
- In all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway.
Start your job search now! Visit the relevant pages, jobs can be found through the EURES portal https://ec.europa.eu/eures/public/index_en where available jobs from all EU countries, Norway and Iceland are published. Add your CV to the portal, and registered employers can find your specific profile.
TMS supports European mobility and sustainable recruitments with fair working conditions. It cannot support employment within sales and telemarketing, businesses with high turnover or with one or more days of unpaid trial work/training before employment or which offers only commission with no fixed wages.
Not eligible: work placement with European institutions and bodies and other international policy, economic, social and scientific organisations as well as supra-national regulatory bodies and their agencies. Applies also to EEA networks, platforms, lobbies or other similar organisations when their budget resources depend exclusively or mainly on EU funding.
Go for a job interview !
Jobseekers receiving an employer invitation can apply for financial support for a job interview in another EU country, Norway or Iceland. They can also apply for an interview trip within their country of residence if it is a recruitment towards a job in another EU country, Norway or Iceland.
Funding is a contribution towards travel and accommodation costs depending on the distance from EUR 100-350, as well as a daily subsistence allowance to cover meals, local transport, telecommunications and other sundries. If the actual costs for travelling etc. is substantially lower, then the support may be reduced accordingly.
- The application for the financial support at the latest one day before the date of the job interview, cannot apply retroactively
- Job applied for must have a duration of at least 6 months
- Working hours must be at least 50 percent of a normal working week
- Applicants must not receive paid travel nor accommodation costs, meals, local transport nor all other sundries from the employer, other project or authority.
Which costs are eligible for TMS support when a job has been offered?
Relocation allowance
Jobseekers who have been offered a job in another EU country, Norway or Iceland can apply for financial support for relocation. The relocation support is a contribution towards the costs for transport, travel insurance, temporary accommodation during the first stay in the country, meals and other sundries. To be eligible to apply, jobseekers cannot receive the same kind of support from the employer. The support is a flat rate according to the country of destination from EUR 700-1400.
Family support
Recruited candidates can apply for financial support also for spouse and dependent children settling in the country of destination.
Conditions to benefit from the family support are the following:
- must apply for financial support at the latest one day before leaving the country of residence and before the starting date of the new job
- financial support cannot be paid retroactively, and one cannot apply after having already moved to the new country of residence
- job applied for must have a duration of at least 6 months and one is expected to stay the whole period
- working hours must be at least 50 percent of a normal working week
- wages and work conditions must be in accordance with national labour market law and praxis, such as collective agreements or minimum wage
- not receive paid travel nor temporary accommodation during the first stay from the employer, other project or authority
- not apply for or accept a job which entails employment in one country and actual work in another country, so called posted worker
Recognition qualification
A jobseeker who finds a job, is pre-selected or has good chances of finding a job in another EU country, Norway or Iceland and has a need to have academic and/or professional qualifications recognized in the new country of work, may qualify for financial support towards the costs incurred. The costs incurred with the recognition of qualifications may include: certified copies and/or translations, administrative proceedings, supervised practices (or trainings) and/or aptitude tests. Payment of financial support may be claimed, flat rate of max EUR 400, after submission of the recognition request to the competent clarification body in the new country of work.

Language course
A jobseeker who finds a job or is pre-selected for a job in another EU country, Norway or Iceland and has a need to attend a shorter language course in order to facilitate the job in the new country, may be eligible to apply for financial support. Jobseekers not already pre-selected need to have strong motivations and good chances of finding a job within sectors of hard to fill vacancies, receive help from EURES to find a job and be able and ready to take up a job in a near future. Please note that TMS needs to authorize the application before the start of the course.
The financial support consists of reimbursement of actual declared costs up to max. EUR 2000 per jobseeker. A language course must offer good learning to reasonable costs, i.e. provide good value. Expensive course costs must be duly motivated.
Supplementary trip allowance
If a jobseeker has been offered an interview or a job in another EU country with the support of TMS and has special needs, then the jobseeker may qualify for a supplementary trip allowance. This allowance can help jobseekers to cope with extraordinary expenditures when moving to another EU country. Reimbursement of declared costs up to EUR 500.
The jobseeker may have special needs, i.e. disabilities and/or come from a disadvantaged social/economic/educational background or be facing temporary economic difficulties. The supplementary trip allowance could cover transportation of a wheelchair or a guide-dog, the travel cost of accompaniment or other duly justified need. The jobseeker could also be travelling from the outermost regions/peripheral regions of Europe and experience extraordinary costs immediately before and/or after moving to another EU country, Norway or Iceland.
Contact us via eures@adem.etat.lu
With financial support from the European Union