Employers who have difficulties recruiting staff on the national labour market may benefit from TMS mobility services and financial support when looking for qualified workers from another EU country, Norway or Iceland.
How does it work?
Luxembourg employers with recruitment needs, focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), must first contact a EURES adviser/Public Employment officer and establish a recruitment cooperation in order to take part.
Contact ADEM EURES: eures@adem.etat.lu
An employer may receive mobility services containing:
- recruitment services, i.e. help to publish vacancies on the EURES portal and other job portals
- matching of suitable candidates from an EU country, Norway or Iceland,
- information and advice on what to think about before employing from an EU country, Norway or Iceland.
If a recruitment cooperation is established with EURES/Public Employment Services, SMEs may apply for financial support if they offer an integration program to their newly employed person(s) relocating from another EU country, Norway or Iceland.
Which costs are covered by the financial support?
The financial support will cover costs for:
- job-related training
- language training to improve command of host country language
- administrative support etc. helping the new employee to get settled
The financial support is a flat rate per recruited candidate varying according to type of integration programme (basic or comprehensive) and country where the company is located.
TMS supports European mobility and sustainable recruitments with fair working conditions. It cannot support employment within sales and telemarketing, businesses with high turnover or with one or more days of unpaid trial work/training before employment or which offers only commission with no fixed wages.
Not eligible: recruitments within European institutions and bodies and other international policy, economic, social and scientific organisations as well as supra-national regulatory bodies and their agencies. Applies also to EEA networks, platforms, lobbies or other similar organisations when their budget resources depend exclusively or mainly on EU funding.
Who can participate ?
- small or medium sized enterprises/organisations with a maximum of 250 employees
- legally registered in an EU Member State, Norway or Iceland
- offer employment to a person 18 years or older, citizen and resident of an EU country, Norway or Iceland other than their new country of work
- offer employment for a minimum of 6 months
- offer fair wages and work conditions in accordance with national labour market law and praxis, such as collective agreements or minimum wage
- working hours must be at least 50 percent of a normal working week
- not offer work in one country and thereafter send out the employee to work in another country, so called posted worker
- the integration programme must start during the first initial three weeks of work.
How to apply?
The application form must be sent to TMS at the latest one day before the start of the employment. Any supplementary documents may be sent later. It is obligatory to have an established cooperation/contact with EURES/Public Employment Services in order to apply.
Contact us via eures@adem.etat.lu
With financial support from the European Union