Regular employment contracts

There are different forms of employment contracts for employees. The most common are:

Permanent contract (CDI)

An employer who hires an employee to meet a long-term need for personnel in the course of the company's normal and ongoing business must rely on a permanent (open-ended) employment contract. The contract must be signed in duplicate at the latest when the employee starts working. Although labor law recognizes the validity of an oral contract, it is strongly recommended that a written contract is drawn up detailing the nature of the employment relationship and its terms and conditions.

Fixed-term contract (CDD)

The fixed-term contract can be concluded for a specific and temporary task (seasonal employment, temporary increase in the activity of the company, etc.)

It can not exceed 24 months, including renewal (10 months for seasonal work) and can be renewed only 2 times maximum. After the trial period, it can not be terminated (except for serious misconduct).

Part-time employment contracts

Part-time employment contracts can either be for an indefinite period (permanent contract) or for a fixed term (fixed-term contract). In addition, they are subject to specific legal rules. An employer considering the creation of a part-time position must first consult the Joint works council, or the staff delegation.

Seasonal employment contract

A company which has to carry out certain works repeatedly, each year, at the same time, according to the rhythm of the seasons (harvest, tourism, etc.), can opt for seasonal contracts. In a period of 12 consecutive months, the seasonal employment contract can not be concluded for more than 10 months, including renewals.

Apprenticeship contract

The employer who decides to hire an apprentice must draw up an apprenticeship contract which will be signed by the employer and the apprentice or, if he is a minor, by his legal representative.

The apprentice can be:

  • an adolescent: in this case, it is called initial apprenticeship;
  • an adult: this is called adult apprenticeship

The apprenticeship contract must be registered with the competent professional employers' chamber or, failing that, with the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.







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