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  1. The number of resident jobseekers registered with ADEM was 15,417 as of 31 October 2021. Compared to October 2020, this is a decrease of 2,554 or 14.7%. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate calculated by STATEC now stands at 5.4% and has thus returned to the level it had between October 2019 and February 2020.

  2. Partir travailler à l’étranger en pleine période de crise sanitaire, Anna l’a fait. C’est désormais un pari réussi ! Anna, une jeune italienne de 26 ans, a souhaité évoluer dans le monde professionnel et s’engager pour la solidarité.

  3. The number of available resident jobseekers registered with ADEM was 19,882 on 31 January 2021, i.e. more or less the same as in December 2020. Compared to January 2020, this represents an increase of 3,386 people or 20.5%. The unemployment rate, corrected for seasonal variations, calculated by STATEC, is 6.4%.

  4. 19,918 available resident jobseekers were registered with ADEM on 31 December 2020. Compared to December 2019, this represents an increase of 3,386 people or 20.5%. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, calculated by STATEC, stands at 6.4%.

  5. The number of available resident jobseekers registered with ADEM stood at 19,476 as of February 28, 2021. Compared to January 2021, this represents a decrease of 406 people. Compared to February 2020, this represents an increase of 2,824 people or 17%. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, calculated by STATEC, is 6.3%.

  6. The shortage of skilled workers has become a serious issue for Luxembourg's economic development. To address this issue and assist companies in hiring foreign skilled workers, the new law of August 7, 2023* introduces significant changes to the employment of third-country nationals.

  7. The number of available resident jobseekers registered with ADEM on 28 February 2023 was 15,650, an increase of 310 people (or 2.0%) compared to February 2022. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate calculated by STATEC stands at 4.8%, slightly lower than in the previous month (4.9%).

  8. The number of resident jobseekers registered with ADEM was 13,946 as of 31 May 2022. Compared to May 2021, this is a decrease of 3,394 people or 19.6%. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate calculated by STATEC is 4.6%.

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